Greetings, Web-wanderer. Welcome to the most current incarnation of Pith Magazine and It's lovely to see you again.
I'm Randy, your publisher, editor and occasional contributor. I've been publishing Pith since 1995. The magazine started with several co-editors and publishers, but life has its ways, doesn't it? Still you and I are still here and Pith's still happening, so perhaps all is well after all. It has definitely been an odd and adventurous journey and it's clear that the stories are not done yet. There are more hijinks to come, I feel certain.
Whatever you do, have fun!
This little rag was born in the Coffeehouse Ghiberti deep in the bosom of St. Charles, Illinois, a block from the Fox River and right across the street from the long-standing but now lost and sorely lamented Manor Pancake House.
Epictetus 50 AD-135 AD When something happens, the only thing in your power is your attitude toward it. It is not the things that disturb us, but our interpretation of their significance. Things and people are not what we wish them to be nor are they what they seem to be. They are what they are.—Epictetus | Begin. To begin is half the work, let half still remain; again begin this, and thou wilt have finished.—Marcus AureliusMarcus Aurelius Antoninus 121 AD -180 AD | Ursula K. Le Guin 1929 AD-2018 AD This is. And thou art. There is no safety. There is no end. The word must be heard in silence. There must be darkness to see the stars. The dance is always danced above the hollow place, above the terrible abyss. —Ursula K. LeGuin |